Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Top 30 Countries With Fastest Internet

Searching for new information about internet speed i ran into this image ....

2007 or before
As it is from 2007 or before I am not certain which country is now on the top ...or which country is now a part of them......
Trying my best for new information.......

Countries With Highest Internet Speed TOP-10

This is information i have got .........I have also checked it this information is true...
Based on the latest data on, the top countries with internet access based on the fastest download speed are: South Korea and Japan. Before, Japan held the first position but it seems now Korea take over the place. These two countries do have only small difference. Even compared to the United States (U.S.) that have the most use on internet, Korea’s speed broadband is three times higher.
Here are top ten countries with the highest speed internet in the world:
1. South Korea 16765 kb/s
2. Japan 16,465 kb/s
3. Lithuania 11,240 kb/s
4. Sweden 11,081 kb/s
5. Romania 9,875 kb/s
6. Latvian 9,591 kb/s
7. Bulgaria 8,885 kb/s
8. Netherlands 8,586 kb/s
9. Germany 7,346 kb/s
10. Russian Federation 7,138 kb/s
United states themselves have only download speed of 6,198 kb/s.
Where is Indonesia? Well, Indonesia is so left behind only around 1,500kb/s. Haha, but we have to feel grateful at least our country can have access on Internet. I hope Indonesia can improve this and also lower the internet usage price so more people can learn about internet.